According to astrology retrograde motion of planets means apparent backwards movement of a planet. A planet seems to be moving retrograde from the earth. That planet is not actually moving backwards, this is only an illusion because of how Earth and other planets orbit the sun. In comparative terms planet appears moving backwards.
In the birth horoscopeIt is the birth chart of the native in all cases. It shown a... More, if there is written R with a planet that is a retrograde planet, when person was born. That planet was retrograde at the time of birth of a native. The Sun and Moon are never retrograde. According to astrology, a retrograde planet is how it seems from the Earth. It gives an impression to the viewer who is on earth that planet is moving backwards.
Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets ,they are just points in the sky but actually they don’t exist. Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion. They are retrograde planets according to Vedic Astrology. Sun and Moon always remain in forward movement. Rest of the 5 planets go retrograde at different times of the year. These are Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Mercury goes retrograde three times a year and it’s retrogration lasts for 3 weeks. Venus goes retrograde after 18 months and for 6 weeks each time. Mars goes retrograde every 26 months and it’s retrogration lasts for 55 to 80 days. Jupiter goes retrograde once in a year and for 120 days. Saturn goes retrograde once in a year and for 140 days.
Astrologically retrograde planets do not always produce bad results, they do change in their effects under consideration When planets are retrograde their power to do good or bad is enhanced. Benefic planets become more benefic and malefic planets become more malefic in their effects.
Retrograde planets are extremely powerful, as at the time of retrogration they are closest to earth. So, they influence life on earth most, at that time. Planets are massive natural bodies which affect us physically and metaphysically.
Sometimes, retrograde planets bring human life to a stand still state. However, the functional behavior and natal placement of the retrograde planet must be judged properly before judging any event. A retrograde planet is also studied from its previous house of placement to study it’s aspects and effects.
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is the karaka of speech, mind, sports, communication. So, Mercury in retrogration highly effects communication and information and technology industry. When Mercury is in retrograde motion, people may feel that their thoughts and words are not understood properly.
Due to this reason, there is communication gap. There can be failures in communication systems. Some skin diseases can spread in population on earth.Big sports matches may get cancelled or don’t reach to any conclusions.
Venus Retrograde
Venus retrograde compels human to be more cautious about their love life. There can be more of divorce cases coming up in court during this period. Some separated couples become reverse in action and reunite. Venral diseases can spread on earth. Film industry can be effected in negative way. There can be losses to crops and food giving animals.
Mars Retrograde
The planet Mars signifies energy and power. Some wars can start on earth. Fevers can spread in human beings. Mars retrograde results in wrath and disagreements. Mars in retrograde can be characterized by internal agony, tension, passive aggression, and pain. Some blood relations can break their relationships.
Jupiter Retrograde
Jupiter is a planet that rules the social aspect of life. It is most benefic planet. When it becomes retrograde life on earth may get disrupted. There can be shortage of eatables. People can become immoral in behavior. People can start changing their religion. Communal riots can take place.
Saturn Retrograde
Saturn in retrograde motion can make people labor more for livelihood. It can make us work more to exist properly on earth. When Saturn is in retrograde motion there are no quick and easy ways for success . New works should not be started when Saturn is retrograde.
Troubles with people in power may start coming up. If Saturn is in retrograde motion at the time of birth, it can become a big benefic for the native’s progress concerned to the house where it is placed in birth horoscopeIt is the birth chart of the native in all cases. It shown a... More if the dasha is also favorable.